Monday, August 13, 2012


As always, there are so many great pictures and never enough time to post them. Here are some the leftover shots from recent weeks, which also happen to be some of Mommy and Daddy's favorites.

Cape Cod Vacation

Carefree and color coordinated.

The rare family shot.

This one makes Mommy's heart skip a beat.

Picture perfect.

Pretty Girls in Pretty Dresses


Girlie girl.

Signature style: Dress and Chuck Taylors.

Silly and Sillier

Have container, will drink.

Looking straight at the camera (for a change.)

Toothless Grin

I know this dress goes on my body somehow.

Time to put the lock back on the fridge.

Open mouth + Squinty eye = Classic Doron smile


Ethereal? Or kind of creepy?

1 comment:

  1. ...and all so beautiful! we love you zadia and aiyana xoxoxoxo
